MMSE to MoCA Conversion Download

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This page provides information about converting MMSE to MoCA scores and MoCA to MMSE scores. This script relates to both Roalf et al., Alz & Dementia (2013) and van Steenoven et al. Movement Disorders (2014).

The downloadable R code (and associated tables) is simply the implementation of each of the conversion tables in the two papers cited above. This script will enable to you convert MMSE to MoCA or MoCA to MMSE scores (all at the same time). Given that the conversion is slightly different for AD and PD, we force this conversion to be based upon either the AD or PD sample.

This code includes comments/instructions, which are provided as comments in the R code. All you need to do is provide 3 columns: MMSE, MoCA and dx (diagnosis) in CSV format. Your file can include as many other columns as you wish, but these three columns must be present. There is an example data file called “Test.csv” included in the attached .zip file. You will also need to update the file paths in the R code to reflect where you save your data and the included lookup tables.
Variables that must be included in your data CSV:
MoCA= MoCA score
dx=AD, PD, Other.  Note: These are the ONLY three options than can be used. ‘Other’ is anyone who is not AD or PD, including Healthy individuals. All the ‘diagnosis’ label really does is determine which look-up table to use (AD or PD version). The default for the ‘Other’ group is to use the AD look-up b/c a healthy sample was included in the original estimation and leads to more precise conversion estimates. If you are only using this code to convert for a sample of PD just make sure everyone has a PD label in the dx column.



Page created: 06/15/2017